A while back I have come across a short but very interesting book ‘Finite and Infinite Games‘ by James Carse. I’ve really enjoyed the read and thesis around looking at pretty much everything in life as a game, be it, for example, business outcomes, personal targets or career. In a nutshell, a finite game can be defined as: – players are known prior to the game commencement – fixed rules – agreed-upon objectives – chess, football, basketball – we declare the winner and the game is over And then, there is an infinite game: – players can be known and unknown – the rules and players are changeable – and the objective is to keep the game in play to perpetuate the game I personally really like this approach as it can be applied to many aspects of life and can be an interesting way of looking about everything we do – what our goals are and how we are approaching them. I think this resonates particularly well in regards to a cybersecurity strategy. Let’s take a very quick look at what’s been happening in the security industry over the recent years and what the trends have been like:...
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